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Get Your Free Copy of Monthly Calendar Printable Pages Now

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Today’s Date is:

Friday, February 7, 2025

mm/dd/yy format : 02/07/2025

dd/mm/yy format: 07/02/2025

mm (month), dd (day), yy (year)

Grab your free copy of the monthly calendar printable of your choice. There are multiple styles and colors so you can mix and match throughout the year.

Each of the calendar sets below is for the full month. Click on the months of the year for individual downloads.

That seems to be the way it always works.

I think that it’s human nature to be a planner and procrastinator at the same time. In your head you know there are things to accomplish, but in reality, you would rather wait just a little longer before you tackle them.

Then the due date starts looming and you either panic and finish the task with only moments to spare (and a little stress thrown in). Or you accomplish the task, but it’s a little bit late.

Whatever your style…you can put some of that planning down on paper with these printable calendar pages. Click the link or the image to download the monthly calendar printable:

What Can You Use Monthly Calendar Printables For?

These free monthly calendar pages can be used for a number of things. And because they are a digital download, you can use them multiple times. Print them as many times as you need to. They are my gift to you so you can become a more organized and productive person!

  • Print them off and use them to track your house cleaning chores.
  • Use them to track your workouts in the new year.
  • Plan your weekly meals.
  • Add appointments for doctor visits, dentists, etc.
  • Track all the kids’ sporting events.
  • Use them in your own printable planner as a “month at a glance” page.

Having a daily planner is sometimes a hard habit to create. If it’s on your list of things to do, then starting with a free version is a great way to jump into the habit. After you get used to tracking your schedule, then you can upgrade to a paid planner version.

Looking for a year that is filled in? Check out these in the Printable Planner Companion Kit

Printable Monthly Calendars

Here you can find my curated collection of all the printable calendars by month. You can find multiple cute designs for each month. These are all instant downloads. No need to sign up. (but you can if you want to!)

Vertical Black and White Calendar

Vertical Black and White Calendar

Click on the download button and the file will be saved to your device.

Print and use. It is that easy.

Vertical Mint Calendar

Vertical Mint Calendar

Click on the download button and the file will be saved to your device.

Print and use. It is that easy.

Vertical Lavender Calendar

Vertical Lavender Calendar

Click on the download button and the file will be saved to your device.

Print and use. It is that easy.

Vertical Butter Calendar

Vertical Butter Calendar

Click on the download button and the file will be saved to your device.

Print and use. It is that easy.

Vertical Peach Calendar

Vertical Peach Calendar

Click on the download button and the file will be saved to your device.

Print and use. It is that easy.

Vertical Rose Calendar

Vertical Rose Calendar

Click on the download button and the file will be saved to your device.

Print and use. It is that easy.

Vertical Earthy Green Calendar

Vertical Earthy Green Calendar

Click on the download button and the file will be saved to your device.

Print and use. It is that easy.

Landscape Floral Calendar

Landscape Floral Calendar

Click on the download button and the file will be saved to your device.

Print and use. It is that easy.

Landscape Black and White Calendar

Landscape Black and White Calendar

Click on the download button and the file will be saved to your device.

Print and use. It is that easy.

Landscape Simple Calendar

Landscape Simple Calendar

Click on the download button and the file will be saved to your device.

Print and use. It is that easy.

Landscape Paint Splash Calendar

Landscape Paint Splash Calendar

Click on the download button and the file will be saved to your device.

Print and use. It is that easy.

Landscape Minimalist Calendar

Landscape Minimalist Calendar

Click on the download button and the file will be saved to your device.

Print and use. It is that easy.

Landscape Rainbow Calendar

Landscape Rainbow Calendar

Click on the download button and the file will be saved to your device.

Print and use. It is that easy.

Landscape Planner Calendar

Landscape Planner Calendar

Click on the download button and the file will be saved to your device.

Print and use. It is that easy.

Landscape Cat Calendar

Landscape Cat Calendar

Click on the download button and the file will be saved to your device.

Print and use. It is that easy.

Individual Month Downloads

Looking for a specific month? Want to mix and match colors and styles? Click on the month below to get the monthly calendars that you want.




Get individual January Calendar pages on this page…


Get individual February Calendar pages on this page…




Get individual March Calendar pages on this page…


Get individual April Calendar pages on this page…




Get individual May Calendar pages on this page…


Get individual June Calendar pages on this page…




Get individual July Calendar pages on this page…


Get individual August Calendar pages on this page…




Get individual September Calendar pages on this page…


Get individual October Calendar pages on this page…




Get individual November Calendar pages on this page…


Get individual December Calendar pages on this page…

december printable calendar

Create a Habit in 30 Days

You’ve probably heard the theory that you can create a new habit in 30 days if you focus on it. Or break a bad habit.

I love planners. But using them does not come easily to me. I like the squares. I like the colors. I LOVE fun pens. But the actual habit of using them is not one of those “second nature” things for me.

I’ve always been really good at keeping dates and schedules in my head. That has changed a little bit as I have gotten older. My phone is my best friend. As well as sticky notes!

Using my lesson plans at school over the past 10 years is starting to rub off on my personal life. I plan on my phone. I draw pictures on my monthly calendar printable planners. I find excuses to use those fun pens!!

Did I create a planner habit in 30 days?

Heck no.

I’m still working on it. The bright side of all this is that I can print all the version of different planners and calendars that I create and keep trying.

If you aren’t one of those “natural planners”…join the club. And keep trying 🙂 maybe one of these days we will get there.

It’s like anything else. Learn about it. Practice it. And before you know it, you will be a natural.

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    1. The “year at a glance” calendar printables on this post might work for your mini calendar (just cut them apart or place post-its over each section).

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