
13 Easy to Print To Do Lists to Increase Productivity

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Using a to do list is the easiest way to keep track of your thoughts, the things you need to get done, and the things that pop into your head while you are working on your current task.

These 13 printable to-do lists are easy to print. Easy to use. And will help you keep track of what is on your list for the day or the week.

I don’t know about you, but the more I have to do, the more I need a to-do list. Something simple to help me keep track of my thoughts (and the ideas that pop up while I am in the middle of a totally separate task).

Today’s Date is:

Thursday, January 16, 2025

mm/dd/yy format : 01/16/2025

dd/mm/yy format: 16/01/2025

mm (month), dd (day), yy (year)

Print To Do Lists

Pick the list you like the best (or pick all of them and save them for later).

These printable to do lists are simple, elegant, and have plenty of room for you to doodle or add stickers. Make them your own (need ideas? check out these fun and colorful to do list designs)

To do list: checklist

As simple as it gets. Write your tasks on the line. Mark the box when you finish them. This one can be used until the lines are all filled and the boxes are all checked. Or…you can print a new one for each day, week, or month. Customize as needed.

White Simple To Do List

White Simple To do list Planner

A checklist with “must do”, “should do”, “could do”, and “if I have time”. This is a great way to prioritize the items on your list and make sure you are focusing on what you need to get done first.

Black And White Minimalist To Do List

Black And White Minimalist To Do List Planner

This is probably one of my favorite styles. Clean. Fun fonts. It is a great way to keep traxk of the tasks for the day and to bump a few items over to the next day if you need to.

Black and White Self Fill Headings

Black And White Checklist To Do List Planner

This printable is very customizable. You can label each section for a day of the week, a topic (groceries, cleaning the house, work, etc.) or you put your task at the top of each box and then write out the detailed steps you need to complete to accomplish the task.

Simple Planner To Do List

Simple To Do List Planner

Print this one if you have appointments to track, ideas for tomorrows list, and a little bit of space to include some doodles.

Minimal and Clean Daily To Do List

Minimal and Clean Daily To Do List

This one is fun. Circles to fill in once you finish a task. A space to number your list. Minimal and clean, the focus is on your tasks.

Checklist Boxes

Simple To do list boxes

Write your lists in boxes with rounded corners. Keep your top priorities separate and use the notes section to doodle, write out details, or add a few stickers.

Clean Planner Checklist

Clean To Do List Planner

Mark your completed tasks with a checkmark when they are finished. Or an X if you don’t get them done. With a date section you can track when you completed an item or give it a due date.

Elegant Checklist

Elegant To Do List Planner

With just a blush of color, this list is an elegant way to track your list. There is enough space in each section to add details as you need.

Floral List

Floral To Do List Planner

Track your tasks, notes, and the date with this floral printable. Mark the day of the week below your date and track your routine.

Pastel To Do List Planner

Pastel Simple To Do List Planner

A little more advanced, this pastel tracker can be used for your meals, water, affirmations, and being grateful. Use this printable as a planner page or as your daily checklist.

Pastel Minimalist Daily Tracker with Times

Pastel-Minimalist To do list-water-tracker

Be more specific with your daily checklist and write the times you need to finish them. Track your top priority tasks, meals, and water as well.

Time Blocking Plan

Pastel Colorful Simple Daily Timeblock Planner

Do you use time blocking to increase your productivity? This printable will help you map out your work plan for the day along with your main errands, reminders, and self care plans.

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