Crazy Simple Christmas Doodles for Your Bullet Journals
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‘Tis the season to be jolly and create and these Christmas doodles are a great step by step way to get your bullet journal ready for the holiday season! Set the mood for your December monthly spreads by adding Christmas doodles to your pages.
Doodles for Stress Relief
Just because December is a super busy month that doesn’t mean you need to ignore your bullet journal and not make time to doodle. Taking a few minutes out of the holiday craziness to work in your bullet journal might just make the season less stressful.
Taking a few minutes to journal or doodle will help you calm your mind. Both are considered a type of meditation and can help you cope with the chaos that happens during the Holiday season.
You might think that adding one more thing to your to-do list will just add to the burden and make your stress out even more.
The funny thing is, you are probably already tracking your list of things to do and keeping notes, a calendar of events and everyone’s schedule in order.
All you really need to do now is take 5 minutes to add a few little doodles and some color and you will be so much happier!
“I Can’t Doodle”
I hear this all the time. “I don’t know how to draw” or “I can’t even draw a square”. My kids are always telling me “it’s too hard”.
What I always tell them is that “you never made the first hoop when you shot a basket”. You also never “rode a bike on the first try”. Drawing isn’t any different. It takes practice. And an open mind.
Did you learn how to write your name? You weren’t born knowing how to do that. And I bet that the first year or so you had messy backward letters in there! Why? Because you were still learning how to write and you needed to practice.
Drawing is no different than learning to write your ABC’s.
Start with the basics. Copy shapes. And before you know it you will be a doodling fiend.
Not to mention that coloring those Christmas doodles will be so much fun. It’s a way to make your own personal coloring pages!!
Its Good For Your Brain
If you are listening to a lecture or an audiobook while you doodle, you will actually retain more of the content than if you just sat and listened.
Bullet journal doodles can be as complex or as simple as you want to make them. If you want to create an entire art journal, that is your artistic choice. If you just want to add a few fun symbols that help decorate the page and add color, then you go right ahead.
The top 5 reasons why you should add Christmas doodles to your bullet journal:
- They are simple to draw.
- They don’t take that long to draw.
- It’s relaxing and can improve your concentration.
- It helps you develop the foundations by learning the importance of seeing shapes in art.
- You can add as much personal flair as you feel comfortable with.
There are resources out there for doodles on literally any topic imaginable. Think of a holiday, month, or event that you are adding to your bullet journal and then add the word “doodle” to the search. The hardest part will be deciding which doodles you want to start with. Trust me.
Step-by-step Instructions
You may need more assistance than just finding a set of doodles and trying to copy them. There are also a number of free resources that provide step-by-step instructions. They will break down the image into pieces for you to copy and when you have put the whole process together you will have a complete doodle.
Download this free Christmas Doodle PDF to start with some holiday doodles that you can use to decorate your holiday bullet journal spreads.
The PDF will walk you step-by-step through the process of 6 Christmas doodles.
Feel free to save this post and refer to it often to practice drawing the other 19 designs featured here.
This set can be used to create your own 25 Days of Christmas countdown. A fun and unique advent calendar in your Christmas bullet journal, or add them to your Christmas to-do list.
Types of Christmas Bullet Journal Spreads
Creating a list or spread in your bullet journal may seem overwhelming. If you don’t already have a bullet journal, check out this post on how to start your own. Bullet journals are a creative way to start your own lists and calendars instead of using planners that are pre-made and generic.
You can create a Christmas themed list in a bullet journal that you use for all seasons, or you can start a bullet journal that is specifically for Christmas. There are benefits two doing either.
If you already have a bullet journal and you are used to making entries in that journal for all your other scheduling and planning then it might be easier to just devote a few pages in that particular journal and not worry about having to reach for a 2nd one.
Maybe you are a die-hard bullet journal user and you section out all your different themes and plans into separate journals. You have one for the kids, one for meal planning, one for your work schedule, and one for each of the holidays.
The added benefit of creating a separate Christmas Bullet Journal would be that you could put future Christmas spread and plans in the same journal. After a few years, you will have a resource for what needs to be planned and covered as well as a heart-warming record of your family memories.
Calm the Holiday Crazy
It doesn’t matter what you add to your Christmas bullet journal spreads. Or if you create a separate journal just for the Christmas season. The point of the whole process is to create a sense of calm when the rest of your world is in a crazy holiday swirl.
The goal may be to journal every day of the year. Life sometimes gets in the way. Adding a page to your journal can take less than 5-10 minutes and gives you a chance to think about what you are grateful for. It creates a mindset of thankfulness and that in itself is calming.
12 More Doodle Pages for Inspiration
You can also check out this post if you want more ways to draw a simple snowflake.