The Best Bullet Journal Sleep Trackers to Try in 2024
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A bullet journal sleep tracker will help you to better understand your sleep patterns. Creating healthy habits is easier when you enjoy the process and tracking your progress.
What are the benefits of tracking my sleep habits in my bullet journal?
- We all have different sleep needs – do you need the custom 8 hours or a different amount in that 7-10 hour range?
- Help with weight management. An increase in sleep deprivation can increase your appetite which leads to obesity.
- Reduce your risk of diabetes and heart problems which have been linked to not enough sleep.
- Decrease your chance of motor vehicle accidents from fatigue – studies have shown that fatigue is as bad or worse than drunk-driving.
- Improve your concentration, reaction time, and your memory.
- Boost your mood and increase your creativity.
- Getting enough sleep will help to enhance your immune system which limits your colds or decreases the time you are sick.
- Increase regulation of appetite, energy use, stress management, and weight control.
Why should I track sleep in my bullet journal?
All the reasons above should have convinced you to start tracking your sleep patterns. But why put them in your bullet journal collection or planner tracker?
Because you are already using your planner or bujo on a regular basis.
Having all your trackers in the same place (and easy to get to) make it so you are more likely to actually track your sleep. The more data you gather, the better your understanding of your sleep pattern will be.
Minimalistic Calm Circle Sleep Tracker
Calming blues make tracking your sleep with this bujo spread unstressfull.
The dashed line is the sleep goal (or the minimum amount of sleep needed) and the dots are the actual amount of sleep for the night.
Cycles and sleep patterns are easier to see the longer you track your sleep habit.
Sleepy Time Squares
Create a key for your sleep tracker and then mark down your response for each day of the month.
You can track the quality of your sleep as well as the number of hours. Set your sleep tracker up so it works for you (including other health trackers might give you more insight into your sleep patterns too).
Sleep and Energy
Your sleep quality has a direct correlation with your energy. Keeping track with an energy tracker in your bullet journal will show you patterns and the relationship between the two.
Sleep Log
This bullet journal sleep tracker is the hours of the day from PM to AM and the highlighted hours shows the hours slept.
Weekends are highlighted on the side where the date numbers are. This gives another layer of information about sleep patterns.
Health and Habits
Decorate up your headers and titles with a calming color like this lavender bujo sleep tracker.
Simple lines that show the length of the sleep session will provide an easy to read graph when the month is complete.
Sleep Time and Habits
The left side of this spread is for tracking habits and how consistently they are completed.
The right side is the hours of sleep on a 24 hour time line. Weeks are colored with a different shade of red so you can see each month of the month at a glance.
Sleep Tracker
This floral sleep tracker looks a little overwhelming at first. But if you look closer you can see that it was actually printed and then glued into the journal.
You don’t have to hand write or hand draw all your bujo spreads.
This makes this sleep tracker really easy to replicate each month. Change up your colors or the doodles to fit the theme of the collection and start your sleep tracking.
Bujo Sleep Spread
I love that this one has mushrooms (because I just love doodled mushrooms).
If I were to recreate this sleep log, I would doodle the header inside a log. Like an actual dead tree log. And then include more mushrooms.
Creative and cute.
Candy Sleep Tracker
This bullet journal spread makes me chuckle. My sister eats candies in bed before she falls asleep. I don’t know if this tracker eats the candies before bed or if it is for an October spread.
Either way. Funny.
It would be interesting to see what their sleep patterns were on a month of sugar sleep vs a month of healthy food before bed.
Meditation Koi
The koi fish in the middle of this circular sleep tracker is calming. A form of mediation.
I love how the hours of sleep look like bubbles leaving the koi’s mouth.
There are circular trackers in the Printable Planner Companion Kit and you can learn to draw koi by reading this doodle post.
Mandala Sleep
The mandala design in black and white becomes the focal point of this bujo sleep spread.
Tracking the actual sleep hours becomes a part of the design and enhance the beauty and simplicity of this tracker.
Autumn Snooze
Hours of sleep are tracked in fall colors and the page is decorated with autumn leaves.
This is a super easy sleep tracker to replicate. Very minimalistic but still easy to set the theme. An easy page idea that you can create quickly.
Grid and Hours
The hours slept are tracked with a simple grid.
Then the hours of sleep as well as the bedtime and wake time are written in the bar graph.
The stats of this sleep pattern are very easy to see at a glance.
Refreshing Greens
A refreshing and nature inspired habit tracker that shows the dates, hours slept, and the time sleep occurred.
Alternating shades of green make it easy to see every other day quickly.
Sticker and Stamped Paper Layout
The calming colors of this spread just make you want to mediate and then fall asleep.
The title is stamped on a piece of brown paper and then decorated with stickers.
Bar graph style trackers make it easy to spot patterns in your sleep and if they are shown next to other life events you will be able to make adjustments for your quality of sleep.
Simplistic and Elegant
This tracker is very simple. Yet it shows a lot of information.
How healthy was the food intake? Did they work out? How about water (or caffeine)?
After tracking sleep, patterns will be easy to see.
Activity and Rest Log
Track your daily activity along with your rest. This will show you unexpected (or maybe expected) sleeping patterns.
I love that this tracker also includes notes that can be reread to see why something was lower or higher in the step log and sleep log.
Fit Bit Sleep Report
This log shows gaps in the sleep hours. If you wake up and remember the times you were awake, you can track those sleep disturbances.
Wearing a Fit Bit that includes sleep tracking will help you to record this information quickly and easily into your bullet journal tracker.
Now is the Time (More Ideas)
To get your ZZZZ’s.